Communicating Better

Communicating Better

If your team was ‘communicating better’, what would the benefits be?

With the amount of work that is being piled onto every leader’s plate, it is tough to make it through your “to do” list every day, never mind being constantly interrupted to Zoom and have conversations with people all day long!  But what if there was a way you could have more meaningful, more productive, more enjoyable …and yes… more effective conversations with everyone?  A strategic organization-wide decision to use a communication model, like Everything DiSC©, can have a serious positive impact for you and your teams even while remote.  Potential results include more focused interactions, higher quality conversations, and a common language between leaders and employees that leads to increased engagement and better business outcomes.  In addition, using a time tested communication model with your teams helps build relationships, and reduce conflict!

Research points to effective communication as the foundation of every successful organization. One study found that good interpersonal communication between managers and their employees was 3 times more powerful in predicting profitability than the 4 next most powerful variables combined.

And now the Everything DiSC Workplace program can be facilitated very effectively as a virtual workshop. Your organization cannot afford to wait until the COVID pandemic is over to ensure the communication that is happening on your teams is positive, effective and strategic.

What are the benefits of improved communication when using Everything DiSC?

  1. Increased employee productivity, even while working remotely
  2. More efficient problem solving
  3. Improved collaboration on teams
  4. Decreased peer to peer conflict
  5. A more productive, happier workforce.

Regardless of your industry or the size of your team, those are 5 great reasons to consider doing a virtual DiSC workshop!   Contact me for free virtual facilitation ideas, a sample of the amazing comparison reports and a discussion on how this program can help your teams get better business results.

Schedule a complimentary consultation to see which program is right for your organization.