29 Jul Think Like a CEO
As the COVID19 pandemic continues to cause some level of chaos in everyone’s life, I ask you to ponder this question: Are you thinking like a CEO?
Why should you think like a CEO? If you are a leader of a team…big or small….in person or remote…you are a CEO!!! Chief Encouragement Officer, Chief Education Officer, Chief Enforcement Officer, Chief Engagement Officer, Chief Enthusiasm Officer, Chief Empathy Officer, Chief Execution Officer, Chief Envisioning Officer, Chief Evaluation Officer, Chief Empowerment Officer, Chief End Result Officer! Need I go on? Successful leaders of teams know that it is not just vision, or style, or attitude, or approach, or metrics, or process or partnerships that make them a success…it is all of it. And you need to know that too. Making the right decisions in a business is hard enough during a time of prosperity, economic stability and aggressive growth but now as we face uncertainty, fear and stress, not understanding that you must think like a CEO can be crippling for a leader of a team. Don’t let it cripple you.
Here is a great McKinsey article highlighting interviews with CEO’s (the ultimate leader of a team) and how they have had to pivot, re-strategize, re-tool, re-imagine, flex and adjust in the past three months. It presents real-life scenarios they have faced and are still grappling with as a result of COVID 19. Let’s learn from them. The article highlights 4 shifts leaders of teams need to consider implementing because “If they become permanent, these shifts hold the potential to thoroughly recalibrate the organization and how it operates, and the company’s performance potential…”
In addition, it presents a specific set of questions for each of these mindset shifts every leader should ask themselves and their teams. The time is now to get every one of your leaders thinking like a CEO. What shift will each of you make? I would love to hear from you!